Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I hope that everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving last week. We definitely did. We spent the holiday with our families in Everson, WA. My husband's sister and her husband were visiting from KT and we were able to spend a little bit of time with them. We left Seattle after work on Wednesday evening and arrived at my mother-in-law's house with enough time to visit before bed. On Thanksgiving, my parents came over and we all had dinner together. I am very thankful that our families get along so well and we can all celebrate the holidays together. I was also able to work on some orders and was happily surprised at how much I was able to accomplish.

Thursday night, we left Everson after dinner and came back home. A few hours later, I was in line at Target for some Black Friday madness. I found a great deal on a camera that I needed for the business. Surprisingly enough, the lines weren't awful. Having worked retail as a teenager, I was dreading the crowds, but Target wasn't really all that busy. I picked up the camera and some other essentials and went home to sleep.

Saturday was spent wandering around Seattle with the in-laws. We had a great time exploring Pike's Place Market and I got some great ideas for projects. Keep your eyes out for more info as I work on designing new things. We ended the day with dinner at Rockbottom before heading back to our place. All in all, it was a great day and it was really nice spending time with everyone. It was a great break from normal day to day life, but now I am getting back in the swing of things. I am working on some really cool mohair scarves, which I should have photos of soon.

Warmest wishes,
- J

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