Thursday, November 5, 2009

How it all Started

Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my Grandma Wolf. There were no other kids around, and while I enjoyed helping my grandma with her cooking and other projects, I got very bored very easily. My grandma, being an ingenious woman, figured out how to keep me quiet and occupied; she taught me to knit.

I have been knitting for 19 years now. Mostly, I have been making clothing and gifts for my friends and family. Recently I was showing a hat that I had made to a co-worker who asked me why I haven't been selling my work. Over the course of the next couple of days, two more co-workers asked the same question. An idea was born. Why not take something I love to do and make a little money at it? I started researching methods of selling my handy-work. In exploring my options, I realized that conventional methods of selling hand-made goods are flawed. Items are made ahead of time and then either sold at craft fairs, or resold through boutiques, making the prices prohibitive. Besides, every customer is different. A better option is to make items tailored to each individual customer. While this could take longer, there is nothing like having a custom item made just for you.

I started bringing pieces that I had already made to work and talking to people about them. All of a sudden, I had 14 orders waiting to be filled and Eterknitty Designs was created.

I want to thank all of the people who prodded me to get this business going. You are all my inspiration. I also want to thank everyone who placed initial orders with me. I hope that you enjoy your items and know that they are knit with love.

Warmest wishes,
- J

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